David Premieres 'come on Be My Baby Tonight'

Welcome! This page chronicles the phenomenon of the dumbfounding 'flow' that David of MTV's Real World: New Orleans presented to the globe in the summer of 2000. The cast were putting together a video introduction to themselves for apply on their public admission show. Each bandage member was shown coming into a sound studio and answering an identical set of questions. David inexplicably brought a keyboard, sang some scat, and answered no questions. When confronted by the cast member who was interim as 'producer' for the public access show (Kelly), David flat out refused to answer the questions, claiming that the answers were all independent within his previously recorded 'flow.' Come with us, honey reader, as we embark on the (non-so) ballsy journey of applying scientific method to the previously uncharted territory known only as 'flow.'

Earlier we begin our (extremely cursory) assay of the flow in question, exist advised that you would be doing yourself a disservice by non downloading an audio representation of 'the flow (In MP3 format).' At the very to the lowest degree, listen to it in realaudio. (Thanks become to Randall Owczarzak for finding information technology.) If yous didn't see the episode that this prune was taken from, please notation that David intended this vocal to exist completely serious. Need the lyrics? Here ya get, Complimentary of charge (Wherever possible, phonetic representations of not-english words have been provided):

Weedahboo Gweedahbohzhee
Sweedahbooh Dwedahboodweeeeeeee
Come up on, be my baby tonight.
Come on, exist my baby tonight.
Well I've seen the way you treated other thugs you've been with,
Come on, exist my baby tonight.
Come on, exist my baby this night.
Come on, be my baby this evening.
I've seen the way you treated other thugs you've been with,
Come on, be my baby this evening.

One time you have successfully listened to said 'menses,' and perhaps compared the sound and textual representations next, please continue.

All set? Okay, hither we go. Commencement, let'south get evryone up to speed on David. Hither is what MTV has to say about him, from his Real Globe contour folio:

"David is the Master of his Universe. In David's world, you piece of work out every day, you don't drinkable, y'all don't fume, you carry a iv.0 class point average, you dazzle the females on the dance floor and y'all aspire to be the first black President of the U.s.. If anyone could do it, David could. In order to repair his broken heart afterwards the daughter of his dreams left him swaying in the wind, he went on a jumbo self-improvement binge. David has extraordinarily loftier expectations for himself and those around him. In addition to his physical prowess, he's a superbly talented musician and a deeply entertaining person. Just beneath the tough outside, David hides a sugariness, vulnerable guy trying to run equally far away as possible from the Chicago ghetto he grew upwardly in and the legacy of his preacher father's departure from the family."

Isn't that sweet? Adding the following addendum to the end of MTV's description will give you a amend idea of the complete pic.

"Delight be advised that when we referred to David as 'entertaining' earlier, what we really meant was "He is dumber than a rock, and it's amusing to discover people such as this." Chances are that you will not only disagree with David'southward actions and opinions on a regular basis, but that he will also exercise something that will completely dumbfound you a minimum of once per episode. He actually can play the piano very well, and he does have a good voice. The only problem is that he's a large wanker. Will information technology surprise anyone that David sings the National Anthem (AKA any wanker's favorite song to sing) in an episode this season? No."

There, that'due south amend. Moving on to 'the flow,' permit me start by saying that I fear the knee-wiggle reaction of laughing and simply bold David to be a complete moron (A reaction that is wholly warranted, mind yous) may be inappropriate. In fact, I would go and then far equally to say that we may have grossly underestimated David's 'menstruum,' just I'm getting ahead of myself. A while back, I recieved this electronic mail:

In regards to David's flow:
Have you ever seen 'Guys and Dolls?' More specifically, accept you e'er heard the song "Luck Be a Lady" from that musical? The lyrics from the chorus are as follows:

"Luck be a lady tonight / Luck be a lady this evening / I've seen the way you've treated other guys y'all've been with / Luck be a lady this night."

Oddly enough, David uses the exact same vocal melody and timing as said song. I suppose Broadway musicals know how to "menstruum" also every bit he does.


While the ability of a Broadway musical to 'flow' is an interisting sub-topic that may warrant further exploration, the central revelation that David's 'flow' is inspired by a source material may illustrate exactly what he meant when he was speaking in English language-tinged Retardese to Kelly in the original 'catamenia' episode. When Kelly said to David that he needed to sit down and answer the questions as all the other cast members had, he said something to the consequence of, "All the questions are answered in my menses." In plow, she said something to the result of "You're a fucking retard, but I'm saying it politely." Not surprisingly, David then said something that, when distilled in to english language, fabricated very niggling sense to those who were not privy to the Broadway connection.

Quoth David: "That's you, other people will hear it and call up 'I heard the answer to every question.'"

Here is where the analysis is to exist made. As the episode in question did not prove all the questions that were asked of the cast members (Questions definately asked include their favorite book and whom they most admire), we tin not exist certain if we have completely unlocked David's flow. Here, for your perusal withal is our hypothosis.


David's favorite musical is 'Guys and Dolls.' Additionally, Davids favorite book is the script to Guys and Dolls. Furthermore, The person David most admires could quite peradventure be any member of the cast of 'Guys and Dolls,' only tin more likely be presumed to be the bandage member who sings 'Luck Exist a Lady.'

There you have it. Granted, information technology is entirely possible that we have non completely cracked the powerful cipher that is David'southward 'flow,' simply perhaps nosotros have unlocked the first in a series of secrets hidden inside the cracks. Perhaps not.

Regardless, as the mysterious David himself so eloquently put it:

"Blah blah blah. Woo woo."


Source: https://www.kempa.com/articles/flow/

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