How Many Times Does the Average Family Move

Why Practise Americans Movement So Much More than Europeans?

How the national mythos and U.S. labor laws influence geographic mobility.

Noah Berger / Reuters

Kevin Bacon moves from a big city to a pocket-sized town in Middle America where dancing is outlawed. Ralph Macchio moves from New Jersey to California, where he learns the art of life and combat. Dianne Wiest moves with her 2 sons to a California town stocked with vampires.

The trope of American families settling in faraway places isn't merely a plotline for terrible 1980s movies, but a national phenomenon. Decades of data, including a more contempo Gallup report, characterizes the United States as i of the most geographically mobile countries in the world. "About ane in four U.Southward. adults (24 pct) reported moving within the country in the past five years," the written report noted. With the comparable exceptions of Finland (23 percent) and Norway (22 percentage), Americans too move considerably more than than their European peers.

Percentage of Respondents Who Moved Cities/Regions in the Past 5 Years

Gallup, 2013

The American tendency toward transience isn't confined to long-distance motility either. According to information from the U.S. Census Bureau, the boilerplate person in the United States moves residences more than than 11 times in his or her lifetime. Though difficult data is hard to come up by, according to a survey conducted by the real-estate company Re/Max before this year, that figure across 16 European countries is roughly 4.

Though some may move for love or family, the overwhelming reason Americans choose to move effectually is, unsurprisingly, related to work. Citing supplemental data from the the Current Population Survey, a mail on the blog of the New York Fed this week noted that betwixt 1998 and 2013,"slightly more than half of interstate migrants said they moved for employment-related reasons—a category that includes moves undertaken for new jobs, task transfers, and easier commutes."

From Manifest Destiny and the Gold Rush to Okies going west and the growers of the Green Rush, the seeking of distant opportunity, particularly for an immigrant nation, is role of a national mythology equally well as a broader American fixation with work. A new working newspaper dissected by Ben Steverman at Bloomberg suggests that workers in the U.S. now "put in about 25 percent more than hours than Europeans" in a given twelvemonth. This figure has steadily risen since the 1970s, when the hours logged by workers in Western Europe and the United States were roughly the same. (Meanwhile, every country in the European Wedlock has at least iv piece of work weeks of paid vacation every single year, and 41 percent of Americans who have paid holiday days squander them.)

There are, of course, some logistical factors also. The United states of america is much vaster than most European countries, plus it boasts a common language. It is considered to be a sign of an efficient labor market that U.S. workers can be enticed to motility to regions where at that place is steady job growth, such as the Sun Chugalug in recent years. And while American workers frequently have fewer labor protections than their European counterparts, as a report by the Earth Banking concern noted in 2012, American "labor laws requite employers the ability to burn, hire, or relocate workers according to their needs," a flexibility that is thought to aid growth.  The World Bank study added that the median tenure of the average U.S. employee in 2006 was iv years, compared to x years in the European Union.

Nevertheless, while Americans remain disproportionately mobile, Fatih Karahan and Darius Li at the New York Fed are the latest to annotation that U.S. workers are moving around less than before. During the 1980s, 3 percentage of working-age Americans relocated to a dissimilar state each year; that effigy had been cut in half by 2010. "While office of the pass up tin exist attributed to the Great Recession," the authors suggest, "the majority of this phenomenon took place over the form of several decades and is unlikely to be related to the concern cycle."

So why are more people staying put? A circular-up of theories by Brad Plumer at The Washington Post included the aging of the U.Southward. workforce (older workers are less apt to move), the further rise of ii-income households (logistics are tougher when at that place are two earners), the burdens of real estate (read: underwater mortgages and loftier rents), evolving workplace culture (telecommuting is more than acceptable than ever), as well as the flatlining of wages, which makes  moving away for a job, on average, a less rewarding financial proposition.

Karahan and Li put much stock in the effects of an aging workforce, to which they attribute "at least one-half" of the pass up in interstate migration. "In short, a immature private today is moving less than a young person did in the 1980s because of the higher presence of older workers," they write, suggesting that employers take shifted their recruitment tactics to adapt to the changing demographics of the workforce. Needless to say, movies about this era in American life, in which fewer people set out to first lives in far-flung places, will probably be much less exhilarating.


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